Film Soo Good 傳承正片

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金獎  何蒹葭 (香港) 金獎正片🥇
銀獎  高頌和 (台灣/台南市) 銀獎正片🥈
銅獎  Ocean Zhai (加拿大/多倫多) 銅獎正片🥉
最佳創意獎  何蒹葭 (香港) 創意正片🎖
最佳人氣獎(網上投票)  吳詩慧 (馬來西亞/吉隆坡) 人氣正片🎖



參賽作品皆流露對運用短片傳揚福音的熱誠和投入,內容更不乏根據真人真事攝製。各項作品在大會三項評分範圍 : 內容信息、創意表現及製作質素皆有不少精彩表現,在初選及專業評審中的評分皆十分貼近。大會先由恩雨團隊多名成員按合計平均分數甄選出十四項入圍作品,再交由來自各地的九位專業評審委員,以同樣方式確定最後賽果,連同網上投票,選出實至名歸的得獎作品。

恩雨傳媒宣教事工邁向新里程,本於「人人有故事,人人皆傳媒」的理念,致力動員全球信徒發掘自己生命故事和製作短片,在新傳媒平台見證基督救恩,傳播生命正向價值; 是次全球大賽亦應運而生,目的在於 (一) 鼓勵製作創意短片傳揚福音、(二) 建構短片平台匯集各地出色作品,(三) 凝聚全球華人教會開展新一波傳媒宣教運動。

是次大賽由二零一八年開始構思策劃,二零一九年初推出,四月一日開始接受報名,九月三十日截止,初選入圍作品於十月三十日公佈,專業評審隨即於十一月展開,連同網上投票十一月底結束後,順利於十二月十二日公佈上述最後賽果。在這漫長的過程中,我們經歷神的保守供給,在構思策劃、大會規則、宣傳推廣、賽事程序等方面,得蒙各地肢體祈禱記念及提供專業意見,更有多位基督徒商戶及個人贊助經費,謹此再三感謝,同頌主恩! 有了這個美好的第一步,誠願有更多恩雨同路人加入傳媒宣教大軍,再接再勵,為傳媒宣教同心努力!



張堅庭: 我要看故事可否感動我,如果你感動到我的話,其他製作上的瑕疵,我不認為很大問題。今次我見到有些作品相當不俗,我給了分。希望你們繼續努力,並且記著恩雨之聲是一個以故事傳遞福音的事工,你都來學習。


文樹森: 今次比賽,題才及內容都非常貼地,亦是我們十分關心的議題,講故事方式非常直接,好真摯,好感人,可以學。


簡戴德牧師: 我持別欣賞有幾套,較大膽及新鮮作風,手法帶來新鮮感,並且有活力。


俞真: 這次參賽作品內容情節豐富,畫面優美,技巧多元,不拘一格,果然是高手在民間。透過這些影片,除了看到「原來這是愛」的強烈信息,更看到對信仰的追求,因信而來的盼望。對於各參賽者而言,無論能否成為優勝的作品,全部都經歷一個寶貴的創作心路歷程。


成明道: 這是「恩雨之聲」主辦比賽的第一次,可能好多弟兄姊妹還沒有來得及拍攝,將他們的故事拍成電影參與比賽。我希望眾教會跟「恩雨之聲」多組織這些這樣的製作小組,因為這是新媒體時代,我們去開創一個新媒體的事奉路向。


FilmSooGood Global Response
“So Good Gospel Short Film Contest” Results Announcement

FilmSooGood – Global Chinese Gospel Short Film Contest, organised by Showers of Blessing, announces three grand awards and two special awards as a result of first screening, professional judging and online polling as follows:


Gold Award  Ho Kim Ka (Hong Kong)  view 🥇
Silver Award  Joshua Kao (Tainan/Taiwan)  view 🥈
Bronze Award  Ocean Zhai (Toronto/Canada)  view 🥉
Best Creativity Award  Ho Kim Ka (Hong Kong)  view 🎖
Best Popularity Award  Goh Sze Huey (Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia)  view 🎖


SOBEM organized this global contest for the first time. Over five continents, we have gladly brought in 31 contestants from local Chinese churches in Canada, United States of America, Peru, United Kingdom, Malaysia, Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China. All entries have been produced in different styles and approaches, yet to bring out the same thematic message “This Is Love”, through creative expression of Christian faith and positive life value from the Bible.

All entry videos reflect the passion in preaching the gospel with short film, and never short of authentic real life stories in their contents. They also demonstrated high quality in three judging criteria namely message effectiveness, content creativity and production quality. They are tightly scored both in the first screening by SOBEM team and final judging by a nine members professional panel. Based on the averaged total score in the screening, 14 entry videos entered professional judging to decide the final results on the same scoring method, along with the online polling result. All winners are well deserved.

“We are the story, we are the media” is the core conviction of SOBEM’s media mission, and our determination is to mobilize fellow Christians around the world to tell their life stories by their own production of short film, to witness Christ’s salvation and to bring forth positive life values on new media platforms. This is the origin of this global contest to achieve these purposes: (1) to promote creative short film production to spread the gospel, (2) to build a global hub of gospel short films, (3) to synergize Chinese churches all over the world on a new wave of media mission movement.

SOBEM started organizing this contest from 2018 and opened to application on April 1, 2019 till September 30. After first screening results were announced on Oct 30, professional judging and online polling took place through the whole month of November, leading up to final results announcement on Dec 12. We are thankful to have seen God’s provision and guidance through this lengthy process, in terms of professional advice by brothers and sisters everywhere in support of planning, rules and regulations, promotion and contest management etc., as well as generous financial sponsorship by a few Christian business people. With a thankful heart, we praise God for his abundant grace. On the blessed first step, we look forward to have more people to joining force in media mission and walk on the path together.